If you would prefer the goods to be sent by air freight, this will be charged extra at cost. 空运收费将于6月1日提价。若贵方希望空运货品,则需另加费用。
The carrier shall have a lien on the goods for freight, dead freight, demurrage and any other amount payable by the cargo. 承运人得因未付运费、空舱费、逾期费和其它一切有关货物的款额而对货物行使留置权。
It would be much cheaper to send the goods freight. 将货物以普通货运方式运送要便宜得多。
The above unit price is our company's producer price ( not contain tax), our company can send goods for you, not contain freight charge. 以上单价是本公司出厂价(不含税)本公司可代为发货,不承担运费。
Recently, the non-performing loans have become serious problems due to the trouble of the real estate collaterals faced by the financial institutions. The carrier shall have a lien on the goods for freight, dead freight, demurrage and any other amount payable by the cargo. 近年来银行逾期放款总额剧增,连带使银行生成处理庞大不动产担保品之难题。承运人得因未付运费、空舱费、逾期费和其它一切有关货物的款额而对货物行使留置权。
In the earliest days, the rivers were the most important means of transportation for people and commercial goods, and they are still major carriers of freight. 早年间,河流曾经是运载人和货物的最重要交通途径,现在也仍然是船运货物的主要运输线。
The Meeting Condition between Vehicles Loaded with Out-of-Gauge Goods and Freight Trains on Adjacent Lines 浅谈接触网线岔的通车条件与技术标准超限货物列车与邻线普通货物列车会车条件
Except the battery, other goods can clear from customs normally, all the goods payments and freight charge will be effected once together, may we do this way? 能不能这样,除电池外,其它货物都正常清关,所有货款及运费一同付出(含电池那部分款)。
If the buyer does not agree, please return all my goods, buyers bear the return freight. 如果买家不同意,请退回我的所有商品,退回运费买家承担。
Motor vehicle for the transport of goods Truck: Motor vehicle designed to carry freight or heavy articles. 运载货物用机动车辆货车:用以运送货物的载重汽车。
Products include passenger elevators, goods and freight elevators, panorama elevators and residential and commercial escalators and moving walkways. 产品包括客梯,货梯,景观电梯及居民型,商用型自动扶梯和自动人行道等。
Backhaul traffic: Goods carried on a return journey. Charge transport of goods transport procedures, cargo handling agents, freight advisory information. 代办货物运输运输手续,代办货物装卸服务,货物运输信息咨询。
The actual value shall be the value of the goods at the time of shipment plus insurance and freight. 货物的实际价值,按照货物装船时的价值加保险费加运费计算。
If the goods are made of light materials, the freight is calculated according to~. 如果是轻质材料制成的商品,其运费按体积计算。
This particular one came out of the GMC pick-up truck. The Meeting Condition between Vehicles Loaded with Out-of-Gauge Goods and Freight Trains on Adjacent Lines 这一特殊装置来自这辆通用汽车公司制造的轻型货车。超限货物列车与邻线普通货物列车会车条件
Le Shuttle trains also carry heavy goods, vehicles and their freight, while ordinary freight trains run through the tunnel on regular schedules from England to France and back. “飞梭”还运送载重货车,而普通货运列车则按正规时刻表从英国穿过隧道到法国,然后再回到英国。
If you place rail adjacent to industry, it can transport goods quickly and efficiently without the need for a freight station. 如果你在挨着工业的地方铺了铁路,它可以不需货运火车站就快速有效地运输货物。
Will the goods te sent by air or sea freight? 货物是空运还是海运?
Make layouts for shipping and receiving centers with equipment for hauling, transporting, and distributing manufactured goods, freight, cargo, and stock from plants and industrial facilities. Your job is to make up the customers orders. 制作发货和收货中心的布局图,包括从厂房和各种工业设施拖拉、运输和分配产成品、货物的设备。你的工作是按订户的订单配备货物。
And at the basis of analyses to the features of perishable goods and its freight flow, insulated car is considered as the best choice. 指出发展隔热车是我国当前易腐货物运输专用工具的首选方案,并建议立项开展隔热车的试制与试验研究。
Please send the goods by freight. 这些物品请照普通货物方式寄送。
Landing and delivery charges and pier dues shall be at the expense of the goods unless included in the freight herein provided for. 卸货和交货费用以及码头费应算在货主头上,将其算在本合同规定的运费中的除外。
Price includes cost of goods, Carriage ( freight), and Insurance Paid by container to a named destination in the buyer's country. 包括货物费用、运费、承运商支付的保险费,运到买方指定的目的港的价格。
A special type of transportation problem was studied to optimally adjust freight and transport goods with the limitation of freight adjustment budget. 研究一类特殊的运输问题,即在运价的调整预算一定的约束下,如何调整单位的运输费用和安排运输计划才能使总运费最省的运输问题。
The national economy fast development, set a higher request to the modern goods traffic service, however, from our country freight transportation industry development situation, the road freight transportation still was a main bottleneck, restricting national economy development. 国民经济的快速发展,对现代货物运输服务提出了更高的要求,然而从我国货运业的发展现状来看,道路货运仍然是制约国民经济发展的主要瓶颈。
Through the establishment of multiple linear regression equation, this chapter predicts that freight volumes in 2020, has a volume of goods and freight density, they will be greatly enhance and the latter will be reduced. 通过建立多元线性回归方程,预测了2020年的货运量、货车拥有量和货运密度,两两者将大幅提高,后者将降低。
How these goods make Decision of the Loading and Firming for Freight, not ready-made scheme is available now. 这些货物如何进行装载加固,没有现成的方案可用。
A number of sea freight forwarding clients, customers closed, they abandoned goods. And the accumulation of a large number of goods leaded to legal disputes, some freight forwarding companies have no businesses to do. 不少海运货代客户倒闭,客户弃货,甚至大量的弃货堆积并产生法律纠纷,运费收不回来,导致部分货代企业没有业务可做。
Also, stock with goods of railway freight transportation system and transportation logistics needs, as important links of social logistics service system, are random. 同样,作为社会物流服务系统重要环节的铁路货运系统的进货、运输等物流需求是随机的。